The forest of Ganymeth separates the farmlands of the central plans, along the River Salaine, from the wealthy ports along the southern arid sea. It is believed by geographers to once be part of the Ancient Elven empire, part of their rumoured control over the land itself. When their empire fell it is said their magic corrupted Ganymeth. There are many theories, some say a stone of power lies at the heart of the forest controlling it or else the soul of their most powerful wizards provide with a mind or else merely the spirit of magic filling the branches to give the plants some semblance of life. The end result remains the same, a forest that is able to move and interfere with humans living there. Paths shift, cleared ground is filled and any attempt to cut down the forest ends in misery or worse. However men have learnt to live in the forest, but only by following a strict code.
The so called Green people are considered cruel and stoic by the travellers that rely upon their advice to cross the shifting forest paths to trade with the southern cities. This however is to ignore the necessity that lies behind their demeanour. While the forest supports much plant life, that abundance chokes off most animal life. Those creatures that live there are tough and lanky. Even the fruits the forest provide are poisonous or at least bitter to human tastes. Food is always scarce requiring strict codes and laws to survive off them and maintain an often precarious existence. Similarly to merely live in Ganymeth requires an understanding of the forest's moods and laws , instilling a nomadic and law bound life. Little is made and the main source of income is to bring travellers across the sea of trees, though this task is often difficult with the forest dwellers struggling to accept the greed of the merchants and the merchants uncomfortable with the silence of the forest dwellers.